论坛题目是 “ESG: Greening the Belt and Road Initiative”,我们非常荣幸邀请了7位在本地、跨国以至在国际上具代表性的机构之管理层作为讲者,分享他们在各自行业内对于可持续发展工作的理念、行动及前瞻。同时,艾升集团亦在此感谢一众活动的支持机构及出席嘉宾,关注属于我们的未来,为可持续发展工作出一分力。
.Arcadis, Dr. Jonathan Beard,Executive Director, Head of Business Advisory and Head of Transportation & Logistics in Asia
.Friends of the Earth(HK), Mrs Mei Ng, BBS, Chairman
.Intertek, Mr. Patrick Lee, Executive Vice President, North East Asia and Australasia
.RATP Dev Transdev Asia (RDTA), Mr. Cyril Aubin, Managing Director of Hong Kong Tramways
.Schroders, Mr. Angus Hui, Head of Asian and EM Credit
.Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas, Mr. Jeffery Smith, Vice President, Sustainability
.Social Venture Hong Kong, Mr. Francis Ngai, Founder and CEO