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Sustainability is the present and the future! Let us embrace this future together.

“Today, ESG factors of corporations is an important factor that investors around the world look for when evaluating the longterm sustainability of a business. It is a global investment trend!”


Hauman Yeung

Director, Ascent Partners

Why do you need sustainability advisory?

When determining the longer-term value of a company’s security, an experienced financial analyst will often ask, beside financial indicators, what other factors will differentiate this company’s performance from its peers?

ESG is a global trend regarding the requirement for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development. Ascent Partners is in the best position to assist you in incorporating the best business practices on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) aspects as part of your operational strategies to give you an edge amongst your competitors.

Actions speak louder than words

Here are a few cases where we assisted our clients in identifying occupational safety issues:

One of our client’s plant had a ceiling with a height of 14-15 meters, but they were equipped with standard size fire extinguishers that only had the range of 6 meters. If any fires occurred within the facility, the employees would have been ill equipped, therefore we advised our client to purchase high pressure fire extinguishers and measure if there was still any existing blind spot within the plant. We assisted our client in identifying an aspect that they did not identify.

We also assisted them in protecting the welfare of their employees. The plant produced largescale steel
equipment, therefore there is a lot of denting and hammering involved. This caused the noise level to reach as high as 102 -104 db, but it was not a requirement for employees to wear ear protection. Therefore, it was advised to distribute ear protection to the employees who directly worked with the equipment.

“Professional, appropriate, accurate, Ascent Partners meets our needs!”


Mr. Aldous Li

CFO, Rosan Resources Holdings Limited

Let us be your Partner!

To assist you in creating and maintaining a sustainable and socially responsible business, we provide an extensive consulting service on ESG and sustainability. We will work with you to prepare an ESG and sustainability report that meets and surpasses the regulator’s requirement for public disclosure.

We work closely with top international ESG reporting standard setting bodies to deliver high-standard works.

As a member of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Gold Community, and as the only member of the Sustainability Accounting Standard Board (SASB) Alliance in all of Asia, our team is well versed to assist you in your Corporate and Social Responsibility needs!

We are also familiar with Climate Change Reporting Framework by Climate Disclosure Standards Board
(CDSB) and the International Framework by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).